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Schooling is not education

In Ghana, 300,000 people become economically active and enter the labour force each year, with some 85,000 coming from the tertiary institutions.
Yet, the number who graduate from the Universities alone on an annual bases stands somewhere north of 90,000.
Sadly, it takes a  University graduate an average of 8 years to land a decent job.
Even worse, only 2 out of every 8 university graduates is estimated to get a job in 10 years.
Where and to what do these frustrated youth, who have invested their scarce resources in the acquisition of knowledge channel their energies to?
Obviously, after trying for years without success, they become vulnerable to millitancy and radicalization.
One of the major issues that triggered the Arab Spring was a 31% unemployment rate in Tunisia.
Here's my point:
While world government are fighting to end the scourge of crime, insecurity and terrorism, it would be a no brainier to rather push for policies that would create decent, sustained and sustainable jobs and Entrepreneurial opportunities for their youth.
The symbiotic relationship between unemployment and crime must not be underrated.


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