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Education policies for economic growth and development: is Ghana on the right path?

Education policy is one of the most language spoken by almost every politician and citizens of countries. Education has become one vital organ for enhancing economic growth and development. Since inception of the word “education”, countries upon countries has placed much emphasis of its importance to build the right human capital to tap the available resources within the countries. Most advance countries have been bosting of their education reforms of which a lot of testimonies are surrounded by it. Now the under developing countries are mimicking the path lead by the advanced countries. The most important question is “does these under developed countries uses the right system to build its education reforms? This led me to reference that of Ghana, over the years, there has been a consistent education policies in the country by successive governments. Nevertheless, upon huge public expenditure and international monetary fund borrowings to facilitate these policies, unemployment is at its peak, cost of living is very high,  resources are in their redundant state, inadequate infrastructure development, low standard of living, poverty is ruining the economy. Therefore it triggers me to ask the essence of education policies/reforms by successive government. What are the missing link in these policies? On 15th of August, 2019 employment minister made it plain to the general public that, about 422,000 people are unemployed and seeking for jobs and 417,000 are not searching due to frustration and lack of hope of getting one. I normally borrow some words from Robert kiyosaki “the writer of Rich Dad Poor Dad book” when it comes to making future projections in terms of policy formulation and implementation (i.e., knowing the difference between Asset and Liability). It will be a great point to evaluate education policy formulation and implementation to assess its extent of failures to success, juxtaposing the reasons for its failure and finding a long way solutions to counter react the challenges it is imposing on the youth of the country due to selfish interest and fulfilling of unattainable campaign promises by political parties In the shortest possible time.
The future of the youth is dependent on realistic and future oriented education policies. Therefore education policy formulators and implementations should know the difference between asset and liability and its long way effect on economic growth and development.

Isaac Agya Koomson
Founder of EKSEL Consult

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