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The lectures have the slogan ‘What is done at the field is different from what we study’ but we are train to be master in all, why do you feel responsible to waste somebody's lifetime at school to teach the person what is entirely different from or very old than what is done in real life. Professors at the field had been talking about the same issue of turning our education system to vocational and technical skills but I will say this system should be channeled also through entrepreneurship to help learners to organize their knowledge into action. This will earn them money for living and will help curve the economic issues of the nation.
One entrepreneurial consultant said “Dream without action is useless” and the same way, if you are the best student in the world and cannot organize your knowledge into action, it is useless because it benefit only you and not others. People do not see the importance of it. It is nonexistence and I will call it hallucination. The trend had been like, finish school and apply for public sector jobs and the necessary training will be given to you before the actual work is started. That is what most employers are doing because graduates lack the practical skills of their knowledge.
Ghana can be built through vocational and technical skills (specialization) and entrepreneurship mind set.
My focus now is, I want my fellow youth to be entrepreneur minded and I believe we can make our country a better place.
According to the writer of the book “The rules of entrepreneurship” ROB YEUNG. Thousands of people every year stump up huge fees to attend business schools and, for the most part, their goals are to graduate and become entrepreneurs, to start-up business, get venture capitalists to invest tens of millions, get employed in a specialize field of choice and become obscenely rich and successful. You don’t need to have been to business school or to have studied business because courses only teach you what has work in the past.
Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, often try to do something new, different, better. “Being a risk taker in other words, being a sole opportunity recognizer around an environment of difficulties. To use the cliche, entrepreneurship is sometimes about “thinking outside the box”.
The person who can organize and direct a ‘Master Mind’ group of people who possess knowledge useful in the accumulation of money is just as much an educated person as anyone in the group. Remember this, if you suffer from a feeling of inferiority because your schooling has been limited. Thomas Edison had only three months of ‘schooling’ during his entire life. He did not lack education neither did he die poor. Henry Ford had limited ‘schooling’ but he managed to do pretty well by himself, financially.
The fact that Ford and Edison did not have much formal schooling does not give today’s young people an excuse to drop out of school. Today a minimum and good standard of formal education is necessary to get a good start in the world of business.
As a young entrepreneurship advocate, I will be happy if the education system of our country can encourage entrepreneurial orientation to inculcate in the youth the spirit of entrepreneurship  in order to stop thinking and waiting for the government to employ them, before they start doing something to better their lives and others as well.
Be reminded that "Dream without Action is Hallucination".

Thank you

Isaac Agya Koomson.
(CEO of EKSEL consult)

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