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Entrepreneurship has been one of the avenues for liberating global economy. Most youths have embraced the concept of entrepreneurship but its benefit is less felt as a result of inability to realize the motive of profit maximization.

Without proper business modeling, most start-ups will not stand longer even if the owners push chunk of capital into them. Business model explains how company generate revenue and retain its loyal customers. It is a concept that looks at how the forces within your business setup can drive money to you.

The following are basic elements in business model that determines how a start-up or full company can generate revenue.

Ø  Customer Segments: every start-up needs to be able to list and define the niches it serves

Ø  Value Preposition: this look at the uniqueness of your product or service. It talks about additional value you create to solve a specific problem, and why customers have to make payment for your product other than that of your competitors.

Ø  Channel: every start-up needs to look out for ways to reach their customer through proper communication, distribution, and sale channels.

Ø  Customer Relationship: describes the things to do in other to maintain an ongoing relationship with each of market segment you serve.

Ø  Key Resources: you must identify the appropriate resources to run the business.

Ø  Key Partners: You can include the vendors and partners needed to run the business.

Ø  Cost Structure: start-ups need to include all moneys (expenditure) spent or needed to run this business.

I believe these information has been helpful to you. Stay connected with us for more updates on business development and entrepreneurship.

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