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On 1st day of April 2020, I decided to have a walk and on the way I meet one good old friend. This friend is a person I really admire well. As usual, anytime business people meet, the conversation is geared towards business.
Through our conversation, my friend was experiencing much despair in his business and feels like quitting. I was touched by his story and became speechless. I kept mute for some time just to think about what to tell him. While I was quite, something dropped into my mind.
I begun asking him a lot of questions... Surprisingly, his despair was as a result of network in business. How he could create a successful network to generate funding and win clients and customer referrals.
Every entrepreneur needs to understand that it takes network to be truly successful in business. Most great entrepreneurs you see today became whom they are through successful networking. Networking is like finding a destiny helper who helps to change your life within a twinkle of an eye.
Just one network can connect you to a life changing contract, funding, and loyal customer who will be there for you even at a point when nothing is working. Therefore it is empirical to say that networking is very essential in building a successful business.
Many billion dollar start-up ideas are kept indoors and in trial and error state; because they have no access to that one network or one connection which will make things happen for them.
In my subsequent write ups, we will detail network to every entrepreneur and the potential entrepreneur in other to observe it as a key to building successful business

Isaac Agya Koomson
Co-founder of EKSEL CONSULT
 Contact EKSEL CONSULT @0241332246 for
1. Accounting and Auditing
2. Business Documentation
3. Corporate Branding
4. Training
at cool and affordable price.

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